Hi there, Matt from Melbourne Osteopathic Clinic Docklands here is another video for you to help with your ergonomics.

Here at Melbourne Osteopathic clinic we understand that these times are unprecedented. It’s because of this the we will endeavour to provide you with the information you need to ensure that you can keep moving and get through isolation at home as pain free as possible.

If you haven’t already I suggest you have a quick look at our Blog post on setting up your desk at home. This will be a straight forward guide to show you how to set up you work station to put you in the best ergonomic position for work. https://melbourneosteopathy.com.au/working-from-home/

Now we are talking to those of you who are working whilst sitting on your couch. This is a far from ideal situation but we understand that it may be unavoidable. With this in mind we have recorded a video with some simple advice to help you at this time. Each of the exercises provide we suggest you do 10 at least 2 times per day.
Have a watch below.