This week Melbourne Osteopathic Clinic turns 20 years old. If you had told me as a naive graduate Osteo in my first year of business that we would blink and we would be celebrating our 20th year in business I would have laughed in disbelief. Fast forward those 20...

Lunchtime Stretch Session 13

Welcome to this weeks stretch session. Today Dr Nathan Chrimes (Osteo) is taking us through a series of stretches for the neck and shoulders. Make sure to give yourself the 5 minutes needed to complete these exercises now and why not challenge yourself to do the them...

Lunchtime Stretch Session 11

Welcome to this weeks stretch session. Today Dr Nathan Chrimes is taking you through a series of stretches for the wrist and hands. These exercises are great if your struggling with vague wrist, hand or elbow pain. If pain is interfering with your day to day be sure...