48 Hours Post- Acute Low Back Pain

It’s 48 hours post injury and your low back has been very sore. The importance of movement at this stage cannot be understated. You should be trying to walk as much as possible, doing this in waist deep water at the pool would be beneficial also. The video today will...

Acute Low Back Pain

Acute Low back pain is nasty, it’s scary and can often put you into a great deal of pain. With today’s blog and video, we wanted to explain how you should manage the first 48 hours of Acute Low back pain. The research in this area is varied, with nothing conclusive...

Stressed At Your Desk? Day 5

Time to talk about relaxing habits, today is the day we want you to do yourself a favour and get out of the office. Why? Your health that is why? If you are the person that sits all day, eats your lunch at your desk, only gets up for meetings it is time to change....

Stressed At Your Desk? Day 4

Time to rest your eyes! We hold so much tension in the muscles behind our eyes it is not funny. So it’s time to give them a rest. This can be done by change your focus from short sighted to long sighted or by simply de-stimulating. Here are some basic strategies to...

Stressed At Your Desk? Day 2

Breathing is an unconscious thing we do thousands of times a day. Today exercise is a simple breathing exercise that helps to calm your central nervous system. By focusing on Breathing you are not focusing on what is causing you to be stressed. This is crucial in...